Tobata Champon

Wakamatsu-Tobata area Specialty / Local cuisine / Eat

Champon is mostly known for being made in Nagasaki, but there are famous kinds of champon in Kitakyushu as well.  About 70 years ago, noodle makers created a kind of thin and chewy steamed noodle, and that evolved into the hearty yet inexpensive champon enjoyed in Tobata today.

The crisp, sautéed vegetables and chewy, smooth noodles are an excellent combination.


Gourmet around

Surrounding Gourmet


Nearby Attractions
  • Wakamatsu Bund—Former Furukawa Mining, Wakamatsu Bldg./Sekitan Kaikan/Tochiki Bldg.

  • Wakamatsu Bund—Former Furukawa Mining, Wakamatsu Bldg./Sekitan Hall/Tochiki Bldg.

  • Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Main Building

  • Yomiya Park