Former Matsumoto Residence

Wakamatsu-Tobata area History and historic sites / See / Play

The former Matsumoto residence is located on a hill in the Tobata district, and the western-style building was designed by architect Tatsuno Kingo, who designed the Tokyo Station and Bank of Japan buildings. The Japanese building was designed by Kubota Shosaburo. It is a typical residence of the nobility. One of the founders of the Kyushu Institute of Technology, Matsumoto Kenjiro lived here. The western-style building features Art Nouveau architecture, interior design and furniture which were popular in France in the 19th century. The curvaceous garden pattern adds to the air of elegance. It is currently used for wedding ceremonies and dinner parties, and is open to the public once a year.

Address1-4-33 Ichieda, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu City
Opening hoursSpecial public opening day: Once a year The dates will be announced in city bulletin and Tobata Ward Office website 45 - 60 days prior to the special opening.
Phone numberThe Industry Club of West Japan
Access西鉄バス「明治学園前」より徒歩約5分 車:北九州都市高速下到津出口より約8分




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