Wakamatsu Hydrangea Festival(Ajisai Matsuri)

พื้นที่ Wakato เทศกาลและวันสำคัญ / เล่นมิลล์

Mt. Takato Park is one of the premier hydrangea viewing spots in Fukuoka Prefecture. The beauty of 65,400 hydrangeas in full bloom is breathtaking. Every year when the season arrives the Wakamatsu Hydrangea Festival is held, attracting many visitors. During the festival, Mt. Takato Park, Sato Park and the Wakamatsu Shopping Arcade hold events, workshops, sketch contest displays, flea markets, food and accessory stalls and other fun events for family and friends.

ที่อยู่Takatoyama and other areas, Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu City




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