Kokura Castle

Kokura inner city area History and historic sites / See / Play

The castle was built in 1602 by Hosokawa Tadaoki. The castle tower burnt down in 1837, but was reconstructed in 1959 thanks to the hope of the citizens. Exhibitory inside the castle tower was renovated and the reopened in March 2019. Also, there is a stunning Japanese Garden next to the castle. Here, you can get exposed to Japanese culture such as Japanese manners and a Japanese tea ceremony.

Address2-1 Jonai, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu City
Opening hoursApril to October - 9:00 to 20:00; November to March - 9:00 to 19:00 (entry allowed 30 minutes before the closing time) *Opening hours may vary depending on the circumstances of each event, etc. When visiting, please check the business hours for the relevant day on the URL below.
Closed daysNone
Phone number+81-93-561-1210
FareAdults: \350, JHS and HS students: \200, Elementary school students: \100
AccessApproximately 20 minute-walk from JR Kokura Station




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