Kyushu Railway History Museum

Mojiko Retro area Leisure / Museum / See / Play

This building was built in 1891 and used to be the former main office building of Kyushu Railway which was the first railway company in Kyushu. There are real trains that were operated in the past and Railway Cultural Heritage on display. You can also be a motorman and operate a driving simulator inside a life-size replica train cab or inside a mini train.

Address2-3-29 Kiyotaki, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu City
Opening hours9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Last entry by 4:30 p.m.)
Closed daysSecond Wednesdays (except August) *The following day if this falls on a national holiday. *Second Wednesdays and Thursdays in July
Phone number+81-93-322-1006
FareAdults: 300, 4-year-olds to JHS students: 150
AccessA 3-minute walk from JR Mojiko Station




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