Fukuoka Prefectural Central Park

小倉都心部エリア 公園 / 観る・遊ぶ

This expansive park is located in the center of the City of Kitakyushu.
The mountaintop where there is a rest area affords a view of Mt. Adachi, Mt. Sarakura, Hiraodai Limestone Plateau, the Hibikinada Sea, and Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Địa chỉ đường phốKonpiracho/Higashisayagatanimachi, Tobata-ku; 5 chome Takami, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi
truy cậpTake the Nishitetsu Bus to Kitakyushu Palace from JR Kokura Sta., get off at Sogo Taiikukan Bus Stop.

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Nearby Attractions
  • (日本語) 北九州イベントセレクション10 2025(年始~春)

  • Bảo tàng văn học thành phố Kitakyushu

  • Mori Ogai Former Residence

  • (日本語) 北九州市平和のまちミュージアム