Yomiya Park

와카토 지역 공원 / 보다 · 놀다

Situated in a hilly pine forest area amid an abundance of nature, the park has an iris pond, fountain, pergola, plum grove, and cherry blossom tree grove. It is adorned with flowers in all four seasons, including plums in winter, cherry blossoms in spring, and irises and azalea in early summer.

주소1Chome・2Chome, Yomiya, Tobata-ku, Kitakyushu
URL(日本語) https://www.city.kitakyushu.lg.jp/shimin/02100268.html
액세스Take the Nishitetsu Bus to Ichieda from JR Tobata Sta., get off at Sawami 1chome bus stop, walk approx. 5 min.

주변 관광 명소

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