Moji Telecommunication Museum

Mojiko Retro area Museum / See / Play

This building, constructed in 1924, exhibits valuable historical materials on the telegraph and on telephones, including changes in telephones and automatic switchboards.
Visitors can try operating a telephone switch that was used in the past in Japan, or the popular hands-on experience of working a real telegraph key to send Morse code (dots and dashes).


Address4-1 Hamamachi, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu-shi
Opening hours9:00–17:00 (Last admission at 16:30.)
Closed daysMon. (or Tue. when Mon. falls on a national holiday) Year-end/New Year's (December 29th–January 3rd)
Phone number+81-93-321-1199
AccessApprox. 10 min. on foot from JR Mojiko Sta.




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