Hiraodai Limestone Plateau

Hiraodai-Ouma area Nature / Scenic spots / See / Play

Hiraodai Limestone Plateau is counted among the 3 major karst formations in Japan and has been designated a natural monument, a quasi-national park, and prefectural natural park.
There is scenery to be enjoyed in each of the 4 seasons, including the burning off of fields in spring, the new greenery of summer, and Japanese pampas grass in fall.
The many ways to have fun include learning about the nature found at Hiraodai Limestone Plateau at the Hiraodai Nature Observation Center, viewing caves at Senbutsu Limestone Cavern, Mejiro Limestone Cavern, and Ojika Limestone Cavern, and exploring nature through caving.


AddressHiraodai Nature Observation Center: 1-4-40 Hiraodai, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu-shi Senbutsu Limestone Cavern: 3-2-1 Hiraodai, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu-shi Mejiro Limestone Cavern: 3-1-1 Hiraodai, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu-shi Ojika Limestone Cavern: 2-6-58 Hiraodai, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu-shi
Opening hoursHiraodai Nature Observation Center: 9:00–17:00 (Doors close at 16:30.) Senbutsu Limestone Cavern: 9:00–17:00; Sat., Sun., and national holidays 9:00–18:00 *Until sunset in autumn and winter Mejiro Limestone Cavern: 10:00–17:00 Ojika Limestone Cavern: 10:00–17:00; Sat., Sun., and national holidays 10:00ー18:00
URLhttps://cocokite-yokatta.jp/ (Hiraodai Countryside Park)
http://www.hiraodai.jp/hnoc/ (Hiraodai Nature Observation Center)
http://www.senbutsu-cave.com/index.html (Senbutsu Cave)
http://mejiro-cave.com/ (Mejiro Limestone Cave)
Phone numberHiraodai Nature Observation Center: +81-93-453-3737
Senbutsu Limestone Cavern: +81-93-451-0368
Mejiro Limestone Cavern: +81-93-451-6315
Ojika Limestone Cavern: +81-93-451-0165
Fare千仏鍾乳洞:大人900円、中学生600円、小学生500円、幼児(4歳以上)200円 目白鍾乳洞:大人500円、中学生以下250円 牡鹿鍾乳洞:中学生以上500円、小学生300円
AccessJR石原駅よりタクシーで約15分 車:北九州都市高速横代出口より約25分




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