Oma Bamboo Grove Park

平尾台/合馬地區 公園和休閒場所 / 遊賞

Oma Bamboo Grove Park is located in Oma, which is known for bamboo shoots grown in one of the largest bamboo groves in Japan.
In the exhibition hall, constructed to resemble bamboo shoots, visitors can learn about bamboo while playing with bamboo toys and making bamboo crafts.
Visitors can also stroll through the garden to learn about bamboo from Japan and abroad and see approx. 150 types of bamboo grass.

地址Oma, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu-shi
營業時間March–November: 10:00–17:00 December–February: 10:00–16:00
休息日Tue. (or the following day when Tue. falls on a national holiday), December 29th–January 3rd
費用Park Entrance: Free
交通Approx. 25 min. on foot from Nishitetsu Bus Nakatani Bus Stop




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