
Shirashima Museum

와카토 지역 / 와카마쓰 북해안 지역 박물관 / 보다 · 놀다

Shirashima National Petroleum Reserve, one of the oil stockpiling bases dotted throughout the country to provide a steady supply of petroleum, is located 8 km offshore in the Hibikinada Sea.
The sea-based petroleum reserve is a global rarity because it consists of 8 ships floating on the sea that carry petroleum. It stores approx. 10 days worth of crude oil consumption for Japan. The museum introduces this reserve's facilities and functions using video, exhibit panels, and computer games.
*Reservations are required only for tour groups of 10 or more. To apply, see the website.

주소1-108 Hibikimachi, Wakatmatsu-ku, Kitakyushu-shi
영업 시간10:00-16:00(Last admission 15:30)
휴무일Mon., 4th Tue. of the month (open when Mon. falls on a holiday/festival day), December 29th–January 3rd
전화 번호+81-93-752-1460
액세스Approx. 15 min. by taxi from JR Wakamatsu Sta. Car: Approx. 15 min. from Kitakyushu Urban Expy. Wakato Exit



주변 관광 명소

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