The Kanmon Straits Fireworks Display

모지코레토로 지역 축제 · 이벤트 / 보다 · 놀다

Staged every year on August 13, this firework display, which is held over the sea, is the 2nd largest such display in Japan, with a total of around 1.2 million spectators flocking to see it (750,000 on the Moji side and 450,000 on the Shimonoseki side).

There are very few firework displays in Japan held in between straits. This display features a combined total of some 15,000 fireworks, set off on both sides of the straits, creating an impressive scene of competing fireworks lighting up Kanmon Bridge and the night sky.

In addition to a diverse lineup of fireworks, including set pieces featuring underwater fireworks and giant globe-shaped fireworks, you can also enjoy stage events both before and after the display.

The event also features live music courtesy of local musicians.


주소Nishikaigan, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu City 801-0841
전화 번호093-331-8781 (Kanmon Straits Fireworks Festival, Executive Committee Moji)
액세스A 10-minute walk from JR Mojiko Station



주변 관광 명소

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