Kaikyo Plaza

모지코레토로 지역 가게/상점가

Kaikyo Plaza is located in the center of the Mojiko Retro area.
In addition to restaurants where local meals can be enjoyed such as baked curry and kawara soba noodles, there are many shops selling items such as sundries, seafood, and souvenirs.
The rich array of products include banana-flavored sweets unique to the place where “banana auctions” originated, and antique goods befitting a retro town.

주소5-1 Minatomachi, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu-shi
영업 시간Product sales 10:00–20:00 Restaurant 11:00–22:00
휴무일Open year round
전화 번호+81-93-332-3121
액세스Approx. 2 min. on foot from JR Mojiko Sta. Car: Approx. 5 min. from Kitakyushu Urban Expy. Kasuga Exit



주변 관광 명소

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